Social Media:   Fad or Indespensible tool?

To some entrepreneurs, social media marketing is the “next big thing,” a temporary yet powerful fad that must be taken advantage of while it’s still in the spotlight. To others, it’s a buzzword with no practical advantages and a steep, complicated learning curve.

Because it appeared quickly, social media has developed a reputation by some for being a passing marketing interest, and therefore, an unprofitable one. The statistics, however, illustrate a different picture. According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers in 2014 claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites. And according to Social Media Examiner, 97% of marketers are currently participating in social media—but 85% of participants aren’t sure what social media tools are the best to use.

Take the “How Social Is Your Business Test”

The world of customer engagement is constantly changing, with social media platforms such as facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram and pinterest to name a few becoming de facto communication platforms for growing businesses today.  Use this little tool to establish how social is your business. Once you press submit you’ll receive a 15 page PDF with your results along with some hints and tips on how to improve your social media marketing strategy.

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