Free Business Training.

“How To Stop Competing On Price…

And Finally, Have The Confidence To Charge Your Worth!”

Our FREE three-part video series shows you, the business owner, how to fix this and finally have the confidence to charge your worth!

During this FREE training, you’ll get to finally understand how to communicate the value that you uniquely bring to the marketplace. You’ll find out…

  • Why most small business marketing completely sucks.
  • Why the biggest obstacle to increasing your prices is always yourself.
  • Why in this digital age it is traditional communication methods that still produce the greatest results.

You’ll also receive access to unique tools that will walk you through the process of decoding your value so you’ll have complete confidence in your pricing model.

These alone are worth £299. As with all my training, this is all meat and veg, I don’t spend half the time telling you how great I am, it’s straight in with great valuable content that can (if you implement it) make a massive difference to you and your business.
Get Started

Competing on price is the worst possible situation to find yourself or your business in, yet millions of business owners find themselves doing exactly this every day.  The thing is, it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of bad psychological programming over many years.  During this FREE training, we’ll explain exactly why this is and what you should do about it.

Are your prices going down not up?

Is your phone not ringing?

Does every day feel like ‘groundhog day’?

Do you feel completely undervalued by the marketplace?

So if any of the questions above resonate with you, then getting this FREE training is the first step to putting this right.

What Went Wrong?

We all start businesses with the dream of financial independence. Finally being able to live the life we want, to be able to buy what we want, to give our kids the future we want them to have, to have the things we’ve always wanted.

The problem for the vast majority of small business owners is that this dream never comes true. They find themselves on a treadmill, pounding along day after day just to make a meagre crust. Small businesses are started by people who are good at what they do, be it a Tradesman, Accountant, Florist, Small Manufacturer, Etc. They’re all good at doing the day-to-day work of the business. What they’re not good at is knowing how to compete in the cut-throat world of commerce. This leads them to make mistakes which costs them, time, money, and reputation.

It doesn’t have to be like this.


Here’s what we’ll cover over the three sessions of your training.

Here’s what we’re going to cover in Part 1.

The Fundamental marketing principles and why most businesses end up competing on price…

  • The difference between Strategic and Tactical marketing.
  • Why your ‘Inside Reality’ is vital to your success in business.
  • The definition of ‘Outside Reality’.
  • Why your marketing must do the heavy lifting for you.
  • Why the Internet is not the answer to your prayers

Here’s what we’re going to cover in Part 2.

  • Why you’ve been conditioned to do marketing in the wrong way.
  • Two really useful quick tools that will let you analyze your own marketing to avoid the jargon trap.
  • We’ll introduce you to the marketing equation /conversion equation.

Here’s what we’re going to cover in Part 3.

  • Why you need to know all about reticular activators if you’re going to be successful at marketing.
  • How to keep your prospective customer in ‘uptime’ and paying attention to your marketing message.
  • Some real-world examples of both good and bad uses of the marketing /conversion equation.
  • Resources that will enable you to finally stop competing on price.

Don’t Take My Word For It. Here’s What Others Said…


“I took up a business development programme with John over a month ago.  I find John’s programme ticks all my boxes to growing my business!  John’s understanding of what people in business need and his delivery of the programme is ‘spot on’! I have developed a healthier business-focused attitude to ‘GET STUFF DONE’ and this is surely the right direction for me!  I would recommend John Olivant to anyone in business.”

Kevin G

Business Owner

“I have already implemented some of the techniques we discussed and guess what they Work !!, now looking at every area of my business with fresh eyes so thanks again John.”

Terry, Hull

Business Owner

“John delivered well structured and insightful content, that, even as a long-standing business owner with a marketing background, I had never come across before. I came away with the ‘why’, and crucially, the ‘how to do it’, along with sufficient motivation from John’s delivery to actually get on with it.

Jo W D, Hessle

Business Owner and Marketeer

“Got questions? drop me a line!”

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