I’m John Olivant

Business Author, Mentor and Coach

“Helping ambitious small business owners to build a high-value self-managing business…”

If you’re looking to build a better business then hit the button below and let’s have a conversation…

Business Mentoring and Coaching.

Business Mentoring

Having a business mentor isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity your business must have. Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. If you’re serious about developing a business that works for you then the single biggest thing you can do is get help.

Results Based Profits Coaching

Results based Profits Coaching

What is Results-Based Profits Coaching?

Simple! It’s business growth coaching in 15-minute increments, without the chit-chat and “how’s the weather” stuff, where we focus on getting you to take the next step toward your business goals. You pay one super low price for a whole 12 months of unlimited business coaching. To find out more hit the button below.

Helping Aspiring Business Owners Achieve Success…

Have you got the feeling that you and your business could be doing so much better?

Watch the video to see how we can help you!

How We Help You To Build A Better Business…

1-2-1 Business Mentoring

Having a business mentor isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity your business must-have. The role of the business mentor is to help business owners to improve their business through guidance, support and encouragement. You’ll benefit from 1-2-1 business mentoring and coaching on a monthly basis.  Click to find out more.


Flexible Business Coaching

Pay As You Go Business Coaching! Are you looking for help with your business but not ready to commit to a long-term Business coaching contract?
Then our ‘Pay As You Go’ Business Coaching Is for YOU! Click to find out more…

Business Courses

We have a number of different business courses to help you build a better business.

  • Pricing Cure: Designed to help you finally have the confidence to charge your worth.
  • Decision-making mastery: Designed to help you make better decisions in life and business.
  • Virtual Business Coaching 2.0 is for those people who need a super-fast boost for their business.
  • Next Level Virtual Business Coaching is for those businesses looking to go to the next level.

Free Business Growth Resources

For more free resources go to the Free Resources Tab.


Business Growth Blog

Our business growth blog has been recognised as one of the top business blogs in the World! We publish articles about how to grow your business. It covers a wide range of topics, including marketing and personal development. It depends on what is happening in the business world that week. Click to find out more.

Business Planning

Free Business Planning Resources

On this page there are a selection of business planning resources to help you write a business plan. Business planning is an essential part of building a successful business. Whether you need one to raise business finance or to get you moving in the right direction the business planning resources here will prove useful.

What's New

Our Fast Business Diagnostics Tool provides clarity. In just 10 minutes, you’ll answer 50 targeted questions covering key areas of your business, from operations to customer satisfaction.

Your personalised diagnostics report will reveal:

  • Which areas need immediate attention?
  • How well is your business positioned for growth?
  • Insights to create actionable goals.

Click the button to find out more!

There are generally three issues that hold people back:-

1.  Lack of Knowledge. Sometimes people just don’t know how or what they need to be doing to get where they want to be. It may be a lack of knowledge of marketing (to get more leads and more clients), it may be a lack of knowledge on systems or processes (to make their business work better) or it may be a lack of or fear of understanding the numbers in their business.

2.  Lack of Direction. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there”. – Lewis Carroll. The lack of direction is a real business killer.  Many businesses and business owners fail to set goals and more importantly have the necessary plans in place to achieve them. You’ve really got to know where you want to be and how to get there.

3.  Lack of Accountability. As a business owner, the good news is that you’re your own boss. This means that if you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to. You don’t feel like making that follow up call then don’t. Of course, the bad news is that you’re your own boss. You don’t have anyone to hold you accountable for your actions or inactions.

These are the Chains that hold you back.

You Can’t Break The Chains On Your Own!

Here’s how we help with all three of these to get you and your business back on track:-

We have a complete E’learning system that is proven to provide you with the necessary tools for you to build a success business. Comprising over 100 hours of video and workbooks to support you, it is truly world class.
We provide you with the necessary tools to enable you to set goals that will inspire you to want to move forward and then we help you with the business planning to ensure you go in the right direction.
Once you’ve established where you want to be then we mentor and support you on your journey. However, accountability is a vital part of achieving, the holding of your feet to the ‘fire’ to ensure that you do what you said you’d do.

About Me

As a Business Mentor & Coach I’m obsessed with helping small business owners achieve the success they desire by enabling them to out-think, out-market, and outsell their competition. I am a great believer in showing that business growth is far more simple than most business owners realise and more importantly, than what other coaches and consultants make out…

I work with small business owners to help them achieve the growth that they want from their business. Covering everything from customer acquisition and retention (Marketing and Operations) to understanding the numbers in their business (Management Accounting).

Don’t Take My Word For It, Here’s What Others Have Said…

About working with John:– “The important part of improving your business is not about all the ideas you have or anything you’re GOING to do.  Success only comes with DOING.  John makes sure that you do what you said you’d do and I believe the stress on accountability in everything that John does, really does make the difference and ensures that your business will be successful”.
Karen B

Managing Director

The support I have received from you has been invaluable and without you, I would still be muddling through I can’t thank you enough and look forward to working more with you in the future.

Managing Director

I took up a business development programme with John over a month ago.  I find John’s programme ticks all my boxes to growing my business!  John’s understanding of what people in business need and his delivery of the programme is ‘spot on’! I have developed a healthier business-focused attitude to ‘GET STUFF DONE’ and this is surely the right direction for me!  I would recommend John Olivant to anyone in business.”
Kevin G.

Business Owner

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Building A Better Business Today!

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