Get Your Business Ready for Success in 2018.

“Setting clear goals and having a definite plan to achieve them massively increase your chances of success.

Yet only 3% of the population make the effort to do this. And they are the ones that earn all the money, are most successful and satisfied and live the most fulfilled lives”.

Have you noticed how suddenly Summer seems to have left us? The nights are drawing in, the days have been getting much cooler (some people have even put their heating on!) and there are those who’s thoughts are already turning to “that time of year” – you know, that time when we all eat and drink too much, we all spend too much, and hopefully when the big guy dressed in red with a white beard pays us all a visit. 

If they haven’t started already, it won’t be long before the shops will be helping us to get in the mood by forcing us to listen to all that “seasonal” music we only hear from now until the end of December. Among the better tracks no doubt the late, great John Lennon will be asking us “So this is Christmas…and what have you done? Another year over….”

As you’d expect I spend most of my time speaking to lots of business owners. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed a trend. People are beginning to realise that 2017 is mostly consigned to history (only 98 days left as I write!) and when they ask themselves John Lennon’s question the sad truth for most business owners is that they haven’t made anything like the progress they set out to make this year if any. And it was probably the same last year…and the year before.

What about you?

  • Did you achieve everything you dreamed you would at the start of the year?
  • Did you start the year, like every year, with good intentions that this is going to be THE year for you? With lots of dreams and ideas about what you were going to achieve?
  • But did those things never quite happen and you now find yourself back where you started, doing the same things, getting the same results?

How much closer to where you want to be are you now than at the start of the year? What’s really changed?

The fact is that most business owners are in this boat, and most business owners never achieve what they wanted to when they started, or what they are really capable of. So if you like you can take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone and carry on as now….alternatively you could take some fairly easy steps to make sure you’re not in the same boat this time next year.

Here’s the first step you can take to make next year your most successful yet and start to get everything you want from your business.

In his classic book “Think and Grow Rich”, one of the best and most influential books on personal success ever written, Napoleon Hill describes the steps that you need to take to achieve whatever you want. And the starting point is to be clear about exactly what you want and then to create a definite plan for achieving it.

The fact is, only 3% of the population have written goals and a plan to achieve them. And they are the ones that earn all the money, are most successful and satisfied and live the most fulfilled lives.

How much do you think having the right business planning could be worth to you?

The simple truth is that just by having a plan you will massively increase your chances of success.

So on the 14th November in Brough (Near Hull)  I will be running a “Success Preparation Day”, where I will help you and just a few others plan your 2018 in detail.

This will be a full day focused entirely on getting your business ready for 2018 so you can make it your best year ever.

Here’s what you’re going to get out of this intensive session:

  • you’ll get crystal clear on exactly what you want to achieve next year
  • you’ll know exactly how much you want to earn next year
  • you’ll have clear, written goals – putting you straight into the top 3% of business owners
  • you’ll know exactly what you’re going to do, and when, to get where you want to be
  • you’ll have a clear picture of exactly how your business is going to look this time next year
  • you’ll have everything you need to ensure this time you keep on track and make sure it all happens

For a whole day, all of us will be entirely focused on our plans for 2018, getting everything crystal clear so we’ll know exactly what needs to happen and how we’re going to make sure it does happen.

If you’re thinking this is just another Business Plan that’s just going to go in the drawer and gather dust like the one you did when you started out or the bank made you do when you wanted funding…think again!

At the end of the day, you will leave with a practical plan, a plan that you’ll use and implement because it’s about YOU achieving YOUR goals and YOUR success.

“To get out of your day to day environment and spend time planning with John your success is priceless”


Business Owner

“The way John structures this workshop means that you get down to the nitty-gritty of the goal planning process in one session. I came away feeling confident enough to get on with it, making it work for me at my own pace. Ten months on, and two of my four goals have been achieved. Result!”

Jo W-D

Business Owner

At the end of the day you will leave with a practical plan, a plan that you’ll use and implement because it’s about YOU achieving YOUR goals and YOUR success.

Your Investment

I have a limited number of places available. The Standard ticket price is Just £49.  The Premium ticket price is (available on request) and this not only includes everything on the day but also two scheduled follow-up sessions of 60 minutes each to keep you on track during the year.

There really is a limited number of places available and they’ll be sold on a ‘first come, first served’ basis

To reserve your place you need to go scroll to the bottom and use the buttons or call 01482 408585 Now.

Unless you act now you’ll be left out in the cold to create your plan for 2018, and you know that will just mean yet another year of frustration for you from not achieving the success you’d really like – the success that could change your life.

I look forward to hearing from you.


P.S. You might be thinking this is a good idea but you can save the money and do it yourself. Sure, you could do but will you really get round to it? Will you really set that uninterrupted time aside? And if you do will you be strict enough with yourself to see it through or will that inevitable email or phone call or unfinished task pop up to distract you? And will you really be honest and properly challenging with yourself?

Honestly, it won’t be a patch on what it could be with the stimulus, deeper thinking, challenge and extra input that you’ll get from me working on it with you.

P.P.S. As always I back what I do with my 100% no quibble money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you’re not happy with my performance or you don’t think I’m adding real value to your business, then I’ll give you your money back.

All payments are by Gocardless so it’s totally safe.

As always I back what I do with my 100% no quibble money back guarantee. If for whatever reason you’re not happy with my performance or you don’t think I’m adding real value to your business, then I’ll give you your money back.

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