“Marketing 101”.
How to market your small business!
The purpose of this training is to give you, the business owner, a quick overview of marketing, it’s not meant to replace formal marketing qualifications or study. Just to give you, the business owner an overview of marketing so that you can decide to either do it yourself or employ others to do it for you. Either way, once you’ve consumed this marketing course you’ll be more informed as to what constitutes great marketing, and able to conduct effective marketing campaigns if that’s your desire.
Here’s what we’re going to cover in this session:-
(Each video is approximately 20 minutes long).
Video One. The Fundamentals of Marketing.
- What is marketing?
- What isn’t marketing?
- The marketing mix.
- The difference between marketing and sales.
- Inside reality versus outside perception.
- Strategic marketing versus Tactical marketing.
Video Two.
- The Venn diagram of customer acquisition.
- Understanding the value proposition.
- How to craft your ideal client.
- How to craft the perfect strategic message.
- Understanding marketing channels (Media)
- How to render the Venn diagram powerless.
Video Three. Bringing it all together.
- The Marketing Equation.
- Why you need to be able to Interrupt your prospect.
- Why you need to be able to engage with your prospect.
- Why you need to be able to educate your prospect.
- Why the offer is so important.
- Deconstruction of a Perfect Advert.
Marketing 101 resources for you to use with this training.
Marketing 101 Workbook
Our marketing 101 workbook.
Client Profiler and USP Builder
Use this to create your ideal client profile and then develop the perfect USP.
Step By Step Strategy To Identifying Your Niche
You have to be “something for someone” but how do you actually go about identifying your niche market? This step by step guide will walk you through the process.
Lead Generation Strategies
A single-page lead generation check list.
Step by step strategy for your marketing plan.
How to write a Marketing Plan that really works.
Step by step strategy to creating a world class value proposition
A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. It’s the primary reason a prospect should buy from you. Here we show you how to create a world-class one.
Value proposition Model Canvas
A one-page canvas to help you create your value proposition.
Business Book Summary (Becoming A Category Of One).
It is increasingly difficult for today’s successful business owner to dedicate hours every day to read the business books they need to, to keep moving forward. This is why we’ve started our “Done for you” business book review reading service, where we distill the essence of a business classic into a short readable chunk that you can read in about 20 minutes.
The book we’ve selected to go along with this Session is:- Joe Calloway “Becoming a category of one” How extraordinary companies transcend commodity and defy comparison. Buy on Amazon.
Click the Image to read the book summary.