In this section, you’ll find our Step by Step Strategies.
Our step by step strategies are aimed at helping business owners implement quickly and efficiently strategies that can help them accelerate their growth and achieve the aims they’ve set themselves. Simply take each strategy and implement.
Step By Step Guide To The Five Part Profit Formula.
You’re going to achieve your vision (and your dreams!) by adopting the five-step process into all areas of your business.
It’s one thing to try a new marketing strategy, but it’s another to change your approach altogether. It’s just like dieting. Sure, if you cut 20% of your calories for two weeks you’re going to see some results. But, the minute you go back to your old patterns, the results quickly disappear.
A Step by Step Guide To Producing a 90 Day Action Plan.
There are no limits on what you can be! You can learn anything you need to accomplish your goals. All business skills, sales skills and money making skills are learnable. We’re going to work out how to get to where you want to be. Goals are hugely important, but many business owners don’t have any or give up on them soon after they’ve set them. This blueprint will help you go through how to set goals for the next 90 days that have real meaning and to make sure they’re going to be achieved. When you’ve finished this you’ll have a definitive plan for the next 90 days.
Click the image to read.
A step by step strategy to using persuasion in your business.
At some stage in your life, or business you’ll need to persuade somebody to do something for you, whether that’s persuading your kids to go to bed on time without a massive argument, or customers / clients to buy what your offering. The ability to persuade others is a key skill that business owners need, yet very few practice their influencing skills. In this Step by Step strategy we’re going to walk you through how to develop the art of persuasion through improving your influencing skills. Click the image to read.
So you need to set your prices?
When you first start out in business, or even if you’ve been in business a long time and are about to enter a new market, setting the price you want for your product or service is perhaps one of the most difficult decisions you have to make. Ask people to pay too much for your product or service and they will not buy; ask too little and your profit margin will be negligible or customers/clients will assume your product is poor quality.
Click the image to read.
A Step By Step Strategy To Creating A World Class Value Proposition.
Quite often in business you hear a lot of jargon that people assume they know the meaning of, but often don’t. The Value Proposition is one of those ‘jargon’ statements. As a concept, it’s really quite simple. The Value proposition is a statement of what value you bring to the marketplace, it’s the thing that determines whether people will bother reading more about your product or service and eventually buy it from you. So what exactly is a value proposition? Click the image to read.
Step By Step Strategy To Reactivating Old Customers.
Customer retention is the most important investment any business can make. That’s because the cost of acquiring new business is six to seven times higher than that of maintaining an existing customer. Once you’ve gone to the trouble (and cost) of gaining a new customer, you’re going to want to hold onto them for dear life. This step by step strategy will walk you through a process for reactivating old customers. Click the image to read.
A Step By Step Strategy To Producing A Great Guarantee.
Why use guarantees in your sales process.
Regardless of what many businesses believe, a guarantee is more than a promise to return the prospect’s money. The right guarantee builds a relationship with your customers and inspires trust. It’s much more than a returns policy with strings attached. The guarantee is possibly the strongest sales tool a business owner can leverage. It tells the prospect that you stand behind and believe in your product, so much so that your willing to back it by giving them their money back. The guarantee is also the last final push to make a sale.
Click the image to read.
What is the Buyer’s Journey?
Modern marketers have learned that the purchase process is a journey, and consumers advance through a process the industry has called ‘the buyer’s journey.’ The buyer’s journey is a framework that acknowledges a buyer’s progression through a research and decision process ultimately culminating in a purchase. The first thing to know about a buyer’s journey is, that although it can vary from one industry to the next, it only really varies in the speed that the buyer progresses through each of the stages.
Click the image to read.
The first steps in creating competition crushing marketing.
The purpose of this Step by Step Strategy is to help you start to create your first completion crushing marketing. The key to this is to identify what makes your business unique. Our unique USP Builder is all about helping you establish what makes you and your product or service unique, once you have completed this then and then identify the Who, What and Where of your marketing.
Most business owners never actually get this far with their marketing and fail to realise that when you define exactly WHO you want to buy your products and services, the easier it becomes to say something that is really relevant to your prospect that will make them stick their hand up and say “I want some of that”.
The Step By Step Guide To The ‘100 Prospect Strategy’.
If having just a few more clients would make all the difference to you and your business, then this is the strategy for you. Many business owners I speak with are passionate about building their business but don’t have a strategy for doing so. In particular for those who are working in the B2B field the addition of just a few more clients or strategic customers can make a massive difference. For example an accountant adding just two or three clients a month can make a massive difference to the viability of their practice. In this step by step strategy we’re going to walk you through a four step process to acquiring those few clients.
This step by step strategy has an additional resource associated with it. The prospecting scroll. You can access that here.
Discounting is often used as a lead generation tool, or lure prospects or to drive sales?
As you likely know, a deep discount can serve as a powerful draw for old and new customers alike. Consumers love a “deal” – they love it when they can get more for less. They especially love with they can get the same product for less than others have paid for it, or less than other companies are offering it for. So, a lot of business owners rely on the power of discounting to get people into their business and to convert customers. They use discounts in their headlines, powerful offers, promotions, and guarantees.
Click the image to read.
How To Identify Your Niche in Six Easy Steps.
There is a lot of talk about the importance of creating your own niche. So what is that all about?
There’s a saying that I’ve used many times, and I don’t claim any credit for it “you can’t be all things to all people, you have to be something to someone”. In fact, over the years it’s been a bit of a mantra of mine. However its ok for me to say that you have to be “something for someone” but how do you actually go about identifying your niche market?
Firstly what is Niche Marketing?
A niche is a focused, targetable part of the market. You are a specialist providing a product or service that focuses on specific client group’s needs, which cannot or are not addressed in such detail by mainstream providers.
Step By Step Strategy To Making The Next 12 Months Your Best Ever!
This strategy is all about making the next 12 months the best 12 months you’ve ever had. We’re going to work out how to get to where you want to be. Goals are hugely important, but many business owners don’t have any or give up on them soon after they’ve set them.
This blueprint will help you go through how to set goals that have real meaning and to make sure they’re going to be achieved.
When you’ve finished this you’ll have a definitive plan.
Raising your prices without losing Customers.
Have you ever wondered how much more money you could make if you raised your prices? But then a warning bell goes off in your head…
“if I raise my prices, I’ll immediately lose all of my customers… or at least a vast majority of them”
This explains why more than 90% of all small businesses attempt to compete on price alone, I’ve even come across businesses that have kept their prices at the same level for more than a decade. To put this into perspective, during the time that this person kept their prices the same, Petrol (Gas in the USA) rose by 24% (at its peak Petrol prices were actual 38% higher) and this increase in cost was met by the business owner.
This Step by Step Strategy walks you through the process of raising your prices without losing any customers.
How We Build A Massive Email List.
Email List Building.
Most Business owners would love to generate a massive number of leads, but if those leads aren’t qualified, meaning they’re actually interested in buying what you sell, then none of them will actually convert into a client. Email is still considered the most effective form of digital marketing and marketers know it. According to McKinsey, it’s 40x as effective at getting new customers as Facebook and Twitter. But that’s only true if you understand what it is and how it works. The goal is to build your list by creating a loyal following based on delivering good content – not by forcing your way in.
Using “Compelling Incentives” To Lure Prospects Away From Our Competitors.
Remember when you were younger, and your teachers would reward your class’s good behavior with no homework over a long weekend? Suddenly, nothing else mattered except that precious extra time you’d have on your hands – and nothing beat that feeling of freedom once you had it.
As adults, we still like to be rewarded for our actions, especially when it’s a reward we can use. That’s why incentives are incredibly valuable marketing tools for any business looking to grow.
So what is an incentive?
Some people call it a sign-up bonus, others consider it a free gift. Regardless of its name, the purpose is the same: you’re giving people a reason to engage with you and your business.
Your Go-To Marketing Plan & Schedule.
Why draft a marketing plan in the first place?
A marketing plan outlines all the important pieces needed to successfully and consistently market your business. A marketing plan does not have to be lengthy or complicated. Creating a simple marketing plan is something every small business should have to guide your efforts and keep you focused on your goals.
Your Business Numbers – The ones that REALLY Do Matter!
If you’re serious about the success of your business then you have to keep right up to date with the most important drivers in your business, Your Business Numbers, but not just any numbers but the numbers that REALLY matter so you understand exactly what’s going on in your business.
Knowing the important numbers in your business is vital to your success. Too often it’s something we brush under the carpet until it’s too late, a great big tax bill arrives, we flitter money away on marketing that’s not giving a good return on investment or we’re blind to cash flow issues that are the most common cause of putting UK business owners out of business. Read this Step by Step Strategy to get a grip of your numbers.
How to write a business plan that really works.
Running a business is rarely easy, but the rewards of running a really good business can be exceptional. As the adage goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. Putting the effort into making a superb Plan is absolutely worth the effort. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to writing a really good business plan, but if you do so the good news is that you will end up running a really good business.
A business plan is a written description of your business’s future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. If you jot down a paragraph on the back of an envelope describing your business strategy, you’ve written a plan or at least the germ of a plan.
How To Create a Vision for Your Business.
What’s your vision for the next year? Five years? Ten? Not just your personal vision, of where your life will take you, but a vision for your company. We all daydream, imaginations running wild through fields of desire or fear, but over time we learn to suppress those fantasies and ground ourselves in a limited reality. To be sure, molding dreams into the shape of the possible is healthy and helpful and goal setting. After all, failing to connect desire and reality leaves us sedentary. Click the image to read.
How To Develop an Effective Referral Strategy.
Love them or hate them, referrals are one of the most crucial components of a successful sales strategy. In fact, there’s no more reliable way to grow any business than through sourcing referrals, but only if it’s done in a systematic, smart way. Unfortunately, most small business owners use outdated, hit-or-miss methods to get referrals. It’s no wonder that referrals inspire dread, and procrastination for so many. Click the image to read.
How To Create A Great Elevator Pitch For Your Business.
So what exactly is an elevator pitch? In a nutshell, it’s just what it sounds like: a short, 30-60 second well-crafted business pitch telling someone who you are and why they should want to hire you or your business. It’s called the elevator pitch because it’s meant to represent the amount of time you’d have if you were stuck in an elevator with someone riding from the bottom of the building to the top. Elevator speeches are good for so much more than just catching someone in a small enclosed space. You never know who you might run into at a cocktail party, or the movie theater, or grocery store…or any other number of places.
Click the image to read.
So You want to close more sales?
So you’ve taken your prospect along the ‘buyer’s journey’ (see the previous step by step guide to the buyer’s journey) and you’re now ready to close the deal or sale. This is the most common hurdle that most business owners fall at. They fail to get over the finishing line. This step by step guide is all about giving you the necessary tools to get over the line.
Click the image to read.
A step by step strategy to producing a Gap Analysis.
A gap analysis is an examination of your current performance for the purpose of identifying the differences between your current state of business and where you’d like to be. A Gap analysis is the quantitative (the numbers) and qualitative comparison (the quality of something) of a business or an individual’s current performance (i.e., present state) with potential performance (i.e., future or target state). Click the image to read.