Virtual Business Coaching Session No.1
The Biggest Mistakes Most Small Businesses Are Making!
- We look at why they fail to set goals.
- Why they fail to use guarantees properly and don’t really have a USP.
- Why they have no clear target market.
- Why they don’t have any systems or standards in their businesses.
- Why they don’t get stuff done.
- Why they don’t have a getting customers system.
- Why they give up too early in the prospecting phase.
- Why they listen to the wrong people.
- Why they don’t understand the numbers in their business.
- Why they don’t plan for their business.
- And the biggest mistake of all!!
Watch the video here.
Click the buttons to download the resources associated with this session.
Business Book Summary (The Magic Of Thinking Big!).
It is increasingly difficult for today’s successful business owner to dedicate hours every day to read the business books they need to, to keep moving forward. This is why we’ve started our “Done for you” business book review reading service, where we distill the essence of a business classic into a short readable chunk that you can read in about 20 minutes.
The book we’ve selected to go along with this Session is:- Dr David Schwartz “The Magic of Thinking Big”. The true secret of success- how to earn more, lead fearlessly and live a happier life. Buy on Amazon.
Click the Image to read the book summary.
Commitment Form
Click on the image to access the commitment form. Remember that the commitment form is about holding yourself accountable. You’re going to make a commitment to get something done before the next session. This doesn’t have to be a big thing but it does have to be something that moves your business forward. Progress is often made in baby steps rather than large strides.
Once you hit submit on the form you will receive an email that will contain a PDF listing your commitment/s. I would recommend printing this out and signing it. Then place somewhere you will see it on a regular basis to remind yourself of the commitment you made.