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Business Planning
Twelve intensive half-day meetings. These are going to be full-on, interactive mastermind sessions, usually running from 1p to 5pm where you and nine other entrepreneurs work on your business. Worth £3588
A personal mastermind mentor, available for your support and advice when you need it, and (if you want it) to make you accountable and hold your feet to the fire.. Worth £1200
A recording of each session so you can play it back time and again to get the maximum value out of each meeting. Worth £720
Access to a massive library of business growth resources to support your growth. Worth £1800.
Continuing help and support via email and telephone during your mastermind. membership. Worth £1200.
The total value of everything you’ll receive during your membership is a massive £8508.
Is the Business-Success-Mastermind group right for you?
Gaining a seat around this table means you are committed to growing not only your business but also yourself. We’re not looking for the biggest businesses or even the most profitable ones, but the businesses led by someone who has the entrepreneurial spirit, one who is a leader who’s determination and desire to grow and share that experience with their new friends, a leader who is not afraid to make decisions.
A copy of our 100 prospect strategy guide which walks you through the process step by step. Worth £49
A copy of our 100 prospect Spreadsheet (this is a google sheet but it works just as well with excel). Worth £39
A Copy of our Step by Step Guide to creating competition-crushing marketing. This document will show you exactly how to create an ideal client/customer profile. As well as walking you through the creation of a world-class USP. Worth £49
Fill in the blanks sales letter templates for you to create your own communications package. This includes 3 step sales letter template used by 000’s of businesses to get those all-important sales meetings. Worth £69
Just hit the button below and you’ll get immediate access.
Note:- All payments are via GoCardless and perfectly safe. (we don’t hold your card details on our site)
By completing our ‘Ideal Client Fact Sheet’ inside our competition-crushing step by step document you’ll enable our researchers to build a list of 100 ideal clients/customers for you. Of course, this exercise is extremely valuable in its own right as it will allow the following:- a) A laser-focused message to be produced which will hit your prospects ‘hot buttons’ and b) Give you a template to repeat this strategy many times over.
It will also get you to identify your competitive advantage and build your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), again this is extremely valuable.
We’ll support you through the process of completing this document with a 60-minute strategy call as part of the process.
Once you’ve identified your perfect (ideal) client and then we’ll set our research team into action to find 100 of them for you to communicate with. You’ll receive a spreadsheet with their publicly available contact details on (GDPR Complaint) and the necessary protocols for you to keep track of the follow-ups. You can specify exactly what you want to target, everything from gender to sector-specific and our researchers will do the rest.
It’s all fine and dandy have a list of prospects, it’s what you do with them that really matters. To make the 100 prospect strategy successful you need to be able to communicate with them in a manner that persuades them that you’re a) worth knowing and b) worth meeting.
This is where our bespoke letters come into play. They are designed to grab the attention of your prospect, highlight why they need to talk with you and, make them pick up the phone and call you.
We’d like to say that 100 percent of the prospects will immediately do this but in reality, some need additional nudges which is why we write a sequence of letters (depending on the client could be 2 or 4). We’ll also provide you with follow-up emails and a phone script for your staff to use. We call these communications touch points.