Next Level Business Coaching.
(Member Zone)
Welcome to your member home page. On this page, you’ll find access to all the resources you need to take your business to the next level. You can also book your online coaching sessions here and find access to the ‘commitment system’.
How To Get The Most From Your Purchase!
Next Level Business Coaching is an 9-week / session programme specifically designed to address some of the issues that are preventing you from taking your business to the next-level. To get the maximum benefit from your purchase we recommend that you:-
- Book your business coaching sessions using the links below.
- Watch all the sessions with a view to learning — this means using the workbooks with each session and the resources provided.
- Make the necessary commitments to taking your business to the next-level. The commitment system is ideal for keeping track of those commitments.
- Use the available resources, everything from the business book summaries to the ‘Step by Step’ strategies. (Click Here to jump to this section)
You can also email us to ask questions and get clarification on any point during the programme. Please do so. Those who immerse themselves in the programme get the most out of it.
Organise Your Business Coaching Sessions Here.
Schedule your 30 minutes ‘Get to know you call’.
For you to get the maximum benefit from our Next-level Virtual Business Coaching we need to know a little more about you. Where you are now with your business (that’s why we get you to complete the fast business diagnostics) and where do you want to get to. This session is all about laying the foundations for your success. You’ll benefit more if you’ve completed the ‘Fast Business Diagnostics’ form first (Click Here). This takes you to the form which should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
Schedule your 15-minute ‘Unlimited Business Growth Coaching’ Session here.
Your membership in our virtual business coaching programme entitles you to unlimited business growth coaching for the duration of the business development sessions (9 weeks). To schedule your 15-minute call just click the button opposite to get access to my diary. All the calls are recorded and you will be sent a link to the call for you to listen back. Before you schedule your call please make sure that you have completed the actions from our previous call. Also, note you must have completed a ‘get to know you’ call first (see above).
There are rules, of course:
- You will get an email with a link to my calendar to schedule your first coaching session (the first session is 30 minutes instead of 15 so that I can get to know you better).
- You must complete the Business diagnostics questionnaire before the first session. (Click Here to See the Questionnaire)
- On the first call, we will identify your goals, what systems you are using, and come up with tasks/next steps that we agree on.
- Then you can set up your first 15-minute call. You must have completed the agreed tasks before you schedule the next call.
- After each call, I will send you an email with a link to the recording of our call, your task list, and a link to schedule your next call.
Access Our Unique Commitment System.
Building a successful business is about getting ‘stuff done’, it’s no good just watching and reading without taking action. Our commitment system is designed is about holding yourself accountable. Each week you’re going to make a commitment to get something done before the next session. This doesn’t have to be a big thing but it does have to be something that moves your business forward. Progress is often made in baby steps rather than large strides.
Commitment Form
Click on the image to access the commitment form. Remember that the commitment form is about holding yourself accountable. You’re going to make a commitment to get something done before the next session. This doesn’t have to be a big thing but it does have to be something that moves your business forward.
Once you hit submit on the form you will receive an email which will contain a PDF listing your commitment/s. I would recommend printing this out and signing it. Then place somewhere you will see it on a regular basis to remind yourself of the commitment you made.
Here is where you’ll find access to your business development resources. Simply click on the video to watch the session. Other resources are located under the video for you to use. Note: You can not jump forward as access to each session is released on a week by week basis. However, once you have access to a session you will keep access. This means that after all 9 sessions you will have continuing access to all sessions for a full 12 months.
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.1
The Five Part Profit Formula To Grow Any Business!
In this session, we explore the five-part profit formula to grow any business.
- We look lead generation, the definition of and examples of lead generation, and why its an integral component of the 5 part profit formula.
- We look lead conversion, the definition of and examples of lead conversion, and why its an integral component of the 5 part profit formula.
- We look at why the number of transactions is important and what you should be doing to increase your number of transactions.
- We look at the average sale price, why it’s important, and how to increase it.
- We look at your margins, why they’re important, and how to increase them.
Click the image to watch the video and get access to the resources associated with this session.
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.2
How to improve your business decision making!
Decision making is a key skill in life and business. You and your business are a reflection of the decisions you’ve made both good and bad. Yet most people make decisions without any thought to how they’re making the decision. In this session, we’ll look at how to improve your decision making.
- What is decision making?
- We look at why a good decision-making process is important in both life and business
- We look at the four-part decision-making model.
- How to make better decisions.
Click the image to watch the video and get access to the resources associated with this session.
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.3
How To Negotiate Like A Pro!
In life and business you don’t get what you deserve you get what you negotiate. Yet very few people work on their negotiation skills, believing instead that good negotiators are born not made (that’s Bull). This session will give you a basic framework to allow you to improve your negotiation skills.
- We look at what negotiation is.
- We look at what negotiation isn’t.
- We look at what you need to do prior to negotiating.
- We look at the 5 phases of successful negotiation.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.4
How To Use Persuasion Based Marketing In Your Business!
In this session, We look at how to use influence in your business:-
In order to sell more, you’ve got to be able to influence people to do what you want them to do. There are six basic triggers to influencing people used in persuasion based marketing and in this session we’ll cover them all.
- We look at where Persuasion / Influence sits in the 5 step profit formula.
- We look at the fundamentals of Influence and Persuasion.
- We look at why you need to know about influence and persuasion to grow your business.
- We look at how to tie them all together in your marketing.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.5
How To Use Price As A Path To Advantage!
In this session, We look at how to use price as a path to advantage:-
This session is not about just to make the most profit from each individual sale but how to use price as a positive marketing tool. Pricing is by far the most powerful profit lever that ‘Business Owners’ can influence. Yet few approach pricing in a way that fully capitalizes on its value.
- We look at the fundamentals of pricing.
- We look at how do you set your prices.
- We look at understanding value.
- We look at value-based pricing.
- We look at raising your prices.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.6
How to Master Advanced business networking skills!
In this session, We look at how to master business networking:-
Business networking is not just a simple process of meet and greet. It’s a skill that every business owner who is interested in building a better business should master. In this session, we’ll cover the how, where, and what of business networking.
- We look at understanding networking elements.
- We look at ‘Word of Mouth’ marketing.
- We look at why networking doesn’t work for a lot of people.
- We look at ‘Know, like and trust’.
- We look at ‘Referral Kits’ and why you should want one.
- We look at the 7 Principles of Good Networking.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.7
How to Master The 80/20 In Your Business!
In this session, We look at how to master the 80/20 in your business:-
We’ve all heard of ‘the Pareto principle’ but what does it really mean to you and your business. In this session, we’ll explore how you can benefit from the 80/20 rule in your business.
- We look at what is the 80/20 rule and why does it matter to me!
- We look at applying 80/20 to your business.
- We look at 80/20 in decision making.
- We look at 80/20 in project management.
- We look at 80/20 in time management.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.8
How To Create A Market Dominating Position!
In this session, We look at how to create a market-dominating position for your business–
The ability to create a market-dominating position for your business will not only allow you to create a better business but to be able to thrive even in uncertain times.
- We look at what is a market-dominating position.
- We look at a market-dominating position Vs USP.
- We look at the keys to differentiating your business.
- We look at the three routes to separate your business from the competition.
- Finally, we’ll give a couple of examples of great market-dominating positions.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
Next Level Business Coaching Session No.9
How to Master Scaling Your Business!
In this session, We look at how to scale your business:-
This final session is all about taking your business to the next level. Building on all the sessions we’ve covered over the 9 sessions we’ll walk you through how to scale your business.
- We look at what is scaling and why should I bother!
- We look at how to establish if your business is scalable.
- We look at the keys to systemising your business.
- We look at linking business models to the five-part profit formula.
Watch the replay video here (it’s a live performance so don’t expect perfection).
In this bonus video we look at the 7 secrets to getting more stuff done:-
The very nature of being a business owner and entrepreneur requires you to be more productive than most people. In this video:-
- We look at why being clear is really important!
- We look at why your behavior is a vital factor in your productivity.
- We look at the importance of deadlines?
- We look at what are time vampires and why you need to stake them in the heart.
And much much more. Watch the video here.
In this section, you’ll find our Step by Step Strategies.
Our step by step strategies are aimed at helping business owners implement quickly and efficiently strategies that can help them accelerate their growth and achieve the aims they’ve set themselves. Simply take each strategy and implement. Click the Image to access the home page for the ‘step by step strategies’ and be sure to check back regularly as we’re constantly adding new ones.